The proficient, experienced and IHK-certified investigators of the Kurtz Detective Agency work on cases of private clients and those of companies in Poland. Our research and investigations are always reliable and stand up in court if need be. For further information on our detective investigations in Poland, give us a call: +49 30 555 786 41-0.
By now, the capital city, Warsaw, is considered one of Europe’s best cities to visit. However, Poland also has a less attractive side to it: 915,000 crimes were registered, including a number of delicts close to the border to Germany. In terms of violent crimes and corporate crimes, the differences between West and East Poland are strikingly obvious. Vehicle theft is primarily committed in urban centres and has also frequently been recorded in some regions of the German-Polish border.
Organised gangs and their crimes, especially, theft, burglary, the selling of stolen vehicles and even human trafficking, worry both German and Polish police authorities. The first step is for the German and Polish authorities to liaise more closely, to remove administrative and governmental obstacles and, in addition to that, to patrol the border region together.
Due to the longstanding and reliable contacts between our German and Polish investigators, their multilingual skills and cultural background, the international exchange of information between our private investigators in Poland runs flawlessly. If you have a case and want to be informed about your options, please, contact the private investigators of the Kurtz Detective Agency for Poland:
*Please note: All operations of Kurtz Investigations Berlin are executed and billed from the Rykestraße in Berlin. The other operating cities and regions advertised on this domain are neither local branches nor permanent establishments of the Kurtz Detective Agency, if not explicitly stated differently. We can offer you affordable travelling expense flat-rates nationwide. The same applies for traveling to a wide range of areas abroad. When operating in the countryside, the cost evaluation starts from the next greater city. You can find further information on our fees here, and on operating areas here.
Kurtz Detektei Berlin
Rykestraße 26
10405 Berlin
Tel.: 030 555 786 41-0
Fax: 030 555 786 41-9
Montag bis Freitag: 08:00-20:00
*Hinweis: Alle Einsätze der Kurtz Detektei Berlin werden von der Rykestraße 26 in Berlin aus durchgeführt. Bei anderen auf dieser Domain beworbenen Einsatzorten oder -regionen handelt es sich weder um örtliche Niederlassungen noch um Betriebsstätten der Kurtz Detektei Berlin, sofern nicht explizit anders ausgewiesen. Wir können Ihnen bundesweit günstige Anfahrtspauschalen bieten, Gleiches gilt für zahlreiche Regionen im Ausland. In ländlichen Gebieten erfolgt die Berechnung in der Regel von der nächstgrößeren Stadt. Weitere Informationen zu den Honoraren finden Sie hier und zu den Einsatzorten hier.
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